Frequently asked questions

Vehicle Advice

What should I do after an accident?

It is important to get as much information as you possibly can. When making an insurance claim having more information improves the chances that the insurance company can find the person at fault.

  • Time and date
  • Contact details including names, addresses and telephone numbers of drivers, passengers and pedestrians involved.
  • Vehicle details including make, model, registration number, colour, any modifications and the number of passengers in each vehicle.
  • Insurance details for the driver of the other vehicle, including name of insurance and policy number if possible.
  • The weather, visibility and lighting conditions, including any street lighting.
  • Damage on your vehicle and any others involved.
  • Any injuries to all those involved.
  • Take some photographs if possible, using your mobile phone
My Insurer has said I have to use one of their approved repairers, is this true?

Your Insurer may try to direct you to use their own approved repairer, however you have the legal right to use the repairer of your choice. Its your car and your choice were your car is repaired so remember the final choice remains with you, the Policyholder. All Insurers have an obligation governed by the FSA to 'treat customers fairly'.

Do I need to get two estimates for the repairs to my car?

No. As your chosen repairer, Veetec's estimate will provide all the detail your insurer's engineers will need to authorise the repair.

Will I get a courtesy car?

If your insurance policy entitles you to a replacment vehicle.